Friday, March 30, 2007

It's Election Time!

Japan is in the midst of the latest batch of elections, which means that the candidates are getting out and making their faces known to their constituents. Or more accurately, they're driving trucks with loudspeakers around blasting everyone in a kilometer-radius area with a high-pitched female voice interspersed with their own shouting. At least they have the courtesy to keep it to between 9 and 6. For someone accustomed to North American politics, the Japanese political sphere can seem like a real oddity at times. I'd love to jump in with some commentary of my own, but I'm still trying to get informed about what's going on. (Having a politically aware girlfriend helps, as I can get her perspective on things too.)

It's also payday! Which means I get to make a deposit in my shiny new Postal Savings Accout! Positive Net Worth, here I come!

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