Monday, March 12, 2007

New (School) Year's Resolution

After a great deal of worrying about things on the five-year-away scale, I've made a promise to myself to stop worrying about anything more than one calendar year in the future. I get one week every six months to look long, but that's it. This resolution came after I spent six straight hours looking at house prices in Oregon. I was reminded of two things a couple friends of mine say regularly enough that they've stuck in my head. About kids and home ownership and marriage: "It's not a race!" And about computers: "You have to ask yourself, am I using this program, or is it using me?" I'm paraphrasing, but I think this gives you a good idea of what my Sunday was like.

As for my Monday, I slept in, I taught a class, I listened to some jazz, and now I'm going to sit down with some Pynchon.

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